Category Archives: Child Development

Annual 4-H Kickoff Party!!!

It’s finally time for our annual 4-H Kickoff Party! Come and celebrate the new 4-H year with a bowling party on August 20th at Diamond Lanes. The party will start at 3:00 pm and will go till 5:00 pm. Please bring spending money and a few of your friends. Also, RSVP to the Extension office by Friday August 19th. It’s going to be a fun filled afternoon! So hurry and RSVP!

Child Development

Parental Involvement Contributes to Children’s Academic Success Caregivers, teachers, peers, extended family, media, heredity, and the environment all contribute to a child’s development; however, parents (if present) are the most powerful influence in the lives of their children. Parental involvement not only shapes development during the initial years of life, but also during the adolescent and adult years. Given this important role, to what extent should parents be involved in their children’s development? According to the National PTA, “Parental involvement is the participation of parents in every facet… Read More →